What is your Profit Margin?

From a customer request an additional report was added to determine the differences between your costs per employee versus the cost billed to the client. Effectively giving you a quick view of your profit. 

The below report shows the User Cost vs Billable Cost report. This report can be filtered by data, user, client, and expense type which gives you the ability to focus on where your profits or losses are.

Computing billable cost versus user cost comes from the billing rates you input on a user and/or project level. Then the number of hours entered by the user is calculated against the billable rate and cost rate to determine the difference.


If you have ideas on how to make the system better please see us at www.timogix.com or send an email to support@timogix.com

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Comments (2) -

  • online timesheet expert

    10/23/2017 8:34:13 PM |

    Their are some great points listed here, thank you.
